Topic outline

  • General

    This training course is developed in the framework of the Leaders In Teach project, a partnership funded by the ERASMUS + programme, where different European organisations specialised in the areas of training and new technologies, have joined forces to develop a training itinerary and content that allows any trainer to improve their Digital Competences for education.

    • The training course material has been developed to encourage an autonomous learning approach.
    • Each module has been divided into learning units that will allow you to approach the basic concepts considered in each of them. At the end of each module, you will be able to answer a self-assessment questionnaire to measure your level of knowledge of the contents you have learnt.
    • Using a "Learning by Doing" approach, at the end of each module we give you the opportunity to work with a real scenario to put into practice what you have learnt.

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  • MODULE 1. Digital pedagogical competences in vocational training for employment

    Welcome to Module 1 "Digital pedagogical competences in vocational training for employment ". This module consists of 4 units. Below you will find the training material for each unit, as well as additional resources and evaluation questionnaires.

    U1. What is Digital Competence?

    U2. Competences to be achieved for each area and its descriptions.

    U3. What is a pedagogical digital competence and digital pedagogical competence?

    U4. Digital competence areas for C_VET Trainers.

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  • MODULE 2. Digital technologies and Digital Pedagogical approaches to enhance C_VET programs.

    Welcome to Module 2 " Digital technologies and Digital Pedagogical approaches to enhance C_VET programs". This module consists of 5 units. Below you will find the training material for each unit, as well as additional resources and evaluation questionnaires.

    U1. What possibilities does “Digital Pedagogy” offer?
    U2. What are the challenges of “Digital Pedagogy”?
    U3. Experiential level in “Digital Pedagogy”
    U4. A “student centric” approach
    U5. Let’s project!

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  • MODULE 3. Innovative and Open Pedagogies in C_VET learning.

    Welcome to Module 3 "Innovative and Open Pedagogies in C_VET learning". This module consists of 6 units. Below you will find the training material for each unit, as well as additional resources and evaluation questionnaires.

    U1. Digitalization and Innovation in C_VET learning

    U2. What is Open Pedagogy?

    U3. Elements of Open Pedagogy

    U4. Engage and support students in Open Pedagogy

    U5. Choosing and creating digital material

    U6. Including students in the creation of digital class material

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  • MODULE 4. Digital tools and related strategies to support novel approaches for promoting open education and innovative practices in a digital era.

    Welcome to Module 4 "Digital tools and related strategies to support novel approaches for promoting open education and innovative practices in a digital era". This module consists of 5 units. Below you will find the training material for each unit, as well as additional resources and evaluation questionnaires.

    U1. Digital Tools in education
    U2. Digital Tools for open and innovative education
    U3. List of Tools and descriptions
    U4. How to use and integrate them
    U5. Using digital tools and resources: copyright and licenses

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  • MODULE 5. Innovative tools and approaches to increase student’s motivation through Digital Pedagogy strategy.

    Welcome to Module 5 “Innovative tools and approaches to increase student’s motivation through Digital Pedagogy strategy". This module consists of 6 units. Below you will find the training material for each unit, as well as additional resources and evaluation questionnaires.

    U1. Motivation in education

    U2. Tools for Motivation

    U3. Carl Jung character archetypes and digital storytelling

    U4. The 7 Elements of Digital Storytelling

    U5. Essential Free Tools for Nonprofits and Educators

    U6. Create a Digital Story

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  • Resources